RIIO 3rd Year Residents Return from CADESSO

We are so happy to have 3rd year RIIO Residents back home from GUINEA Conakry after 3 months at CADESSO where they have greatly benefited from the Small Incision Cataract surgery Course . During the feedback session at RIIO, they have expressed their gratitude to the organizer (RIIO) and the Training institution (CADESSO) for the great opportunity offered and skills acquired. This model of South-South cooperation is highly appreciated.

1 thought on “RIIO 3rd Year Residents Return from CADESSO”

  1. Emmanuel Nyirimanzi

    I am an intern doctor , I have graduated from university of Rwanda 2019_2020

    I really like ophthalmology and I would be happy if I become opthalmologist !

    I always fellow RIIO , now I am happy for those residents.

    I would be happy if I join Opthalmology as my specialty so that I contribute to provide eye health care . I really passionate from Opthalmology.


    Dr. Emmanuel Nyirimanzi

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