Workshop held in Ethiopia

Faculty member, Dr. John Cropsey, and RIIO 2023 graduate, Dr. David Ngabo, joined RIIO partner HCP Cure Blindness for a high volume cataract camp in Bisidimo, Ethiopia, 25-29 February 2024.  Bisidimo is located near the ancient city of Harar and is not too far from the Djibouti and Somalia border.  Over the course of 5 days, they observed over 1,000 cataract surgeries being performed.  They learned valuable insights into how HCP Cure Blindness runs such efficient and high volume surgical camps.  They also had several unique cultural experiences including being blessed by patients via spitting and feeding the hyenas of Harar at night!  

After the cataract camp, they spent 3 days in Addis Ababa where Dr. Cropsey was an instructor in the HCP Cure Blindness Review Course with over 120 residents from Ethiopia and Rwanda.  It was a highly valuable learning experience for all RIIO residents.  Thank you HCP Cure Blindness for the wonderful partnership and opportunities!

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