The Day of Perfect Vision 6/6 2020.

6/6/2020 The day of perfect vision. 6/6 and 20/20. 

This will NEVER happen again.

Encourage yourself and others to go for an eye test this week.

Support those who will never have perfect vision.

Celebrate those who support you to keep your eyes healthy and those who support those without 6/6 20/20 vision to cope meaningfully.


Felicien had congenital cataracts meaning that his vision has been impaired since he was a child. As a result, he heavily depended on his wife to put food on the table and to look after their children.
After a visit to his household it was found that his children also had the same condition.

Shortly after the visit by a team from the Fred Hollows Foundation Rwanda, Felicien and both his children were scheduled for surgery in Kigali. The operation was a success and they all could not contain their joy when RIIO’s Dr. Ciku Mathenge, removed the eye patches. 

Felicien can finally work and help his wife look after their family.