Sight for School Project in Nyarugenge district

Sight For School Project in Primary and Secondary Scool

Since April 11, 2024, RIIO in partnership with Direct Aid, has launched the Sight for School project. It will be implemented in the Nyarugenge district, city of Kigali, in 13 selected schools to be part of the project. Those schools are Jericho School, EP Muhima, EMPIB, EP Muganza, GS Butamwa, GS Cyivugiza, EP Intwali, EP Gatare, EP Karama, Lycee de Kigali, Kigali Adventist School, St Nicolas Primary School, GS Nzove. The project’s mission is to screen the eye condition of students in the aforementioned schools. In all cases deemed abnormal, appropriate treatment will be provided to the children, such as medication or glasses. RIIO is working in collaboration with primary healthcare services to transfer cases requiring further investigation and advanced treatment at Kibagabaga Hospital. The objective of the project is to ensure that children can attend classes without being hindered by vision problems.

The screener evaluating the distance child vision.

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