RIIO in collaboration with MOH and Direct Aid Rwanda , Conducted Eye school screening which covered 15 selected from government and non-government primary and secondary schools from Gasabo District . The Aim was the detection, treatment and early intervention of the eye conditions that affect vision and provide assistance wherever needed . As result 10,791 Children were screened within two months period (April –June 2023). This activity was officially launched by the Lord Mayor of Kigali Mr Pudence RUBINGISHA , accompanied the Gasabo District Deputy Administrator , among other guests present were : UNICEF Representative , Ministry of Health Representative , Direct Aid Director and RIIO Directors as hosts .

Car free zone screening
Kigali Car Free Day is a twice monthly event held on the first and third Sunday of every month. On this day, several roads are blocked off for people to walk, run or cycle freely without interference from motorbikes or vehicles. In May 2023 The Rwanda International Institute of Ophthalmology (RIIO) with equipment support from Orbis International has introduced the Diabetic Retina Screening program free of charge in Car free day. RIIO Team used digital retinal photography and images were interpreted using artificial intelligence and report produced instantly within 5 mins . This service was available for people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes aged 12 years and older , Not only people with Diabetes were screened but also other eye diseases were examined free of charge . 233 people got their eyes checked on that day .