Engage and support key national partners and collaborate with local health departments to deliver relevant eye health services. This includes, but is not limited to, district hospitals operating without ophthalmologists as well as medical referral boards.
Implement vision surveillance programs and evaluation systems in specific communities such as those bordering trachoma endemic districts in neighbouring countries and premature babies at risk of retinitis of prematurity.
Contributeto the elimination of eye health disparities by focusing on at-risk populations such as diabetics and those living in underserved districts.
Integrate eye health interventions into existing public health programs including systems for non-communicable diseases in order to increase visibility and efficiency.
Establish a residency program with open access – both in terms of entrance to the residency and comprehensive support for student success once they are in training
Ensurethat students build upon their capacity to become self-directed, intentional and continuous learners
Support mid-level training for eye health professionals
Provide Continuous Medical Education (CME) and Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Assurethat our students meet international certification standards while remaining locally relevant
Collect and collate current and available health information and provide forums for feedback for both those who gather and need the data
Conduct needs-based and action-oriented research in order to advance meaningful changes for our patients and communities
Translate research so that policymakers can utilize the findings to champion solutions that ameliorate eye health
Provide appropriate technical advice to policy makers
Develop sustainable long-term, structured and strategic partnerships with local, national and international organizations such as COECSA, IAPB and its member organizations, ICO and JCAHPO, as well as private enterprises such as Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital
Use our international partners, networks and ophthalmologists to forge relationships with national and regional partners in order to collaborate in eye health service delivery
Enhance targeted knowledge exchange training, mentoring and sharing of best practices within our networks and with the next generation of eye care practitioners
Selectthe best and most appropriate ways of promoting effective education and invest in high-quality learning resources for our students in classes, in clinics and on distance learning platforms
Embrace ICT-related education resources and choose technology that promotes and enhances learning
Designeffective learning experiences by identifying our students’ strengths and needs within the curriculum
Forge networks of expert trainers from around the world
Carry out integrated health awareness campaigns paying special attention to at-risk populations such as diabetics
Facilitate access to our services for women and children
Keep abreastof the latest innovations and affordable technological solutions to improve our delivery of education and eye care
Respect the personal values, religious beliefs, ethnicity and privacy of our patients as we provide care and design programs
Pursue partnerships that allow us to invest sustainably
Ensure that our resources are allocated equitably
Leverage new sources of income in a manner that promotes self-sufficiency
Seekvalue for money in all of our activities
Minimize waste of resources
Investin partnerships that catalyze innovation, ideas, resources and funding opportunities
Communicatetransparently, clearly and respectfully with our patients, students and partners
Commit to disseminating our knowledge and collaborating with teams to reach common objectives