To ensure primary eye care program is strengthened and sustained, The Ministry of Health has commissioned Rwanda International Institute of Ophthalmology to train a core group of National trainers who will then roll out (cascade) the PEC training across the country.

It is in this regards that it was organized a 3 days Training of Trainers in PRIMARY EYE CARE based on the WHO AFRO PEC CURRICULUM, which took place in Kigali on JUNE 28-30, 2023 at LEMIGO Hotel and was made possible through Fred Hollows Foundation Rwanda funding .

The trainees were 24 in total among them 14 ophthalmic clinical officers, 3 Nurse Trainers from Nursing schools, 7 Ophthalmology Residents. This workshop was facilitated by Professor Ciku Mathenge who is the WHO PEC Master Trainer .

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