Located at TEE OFF TOWER KG 9 AVE house No 120 / PO BOX 312 Kigali

For RIIO School Call 0791504717, for RIIO Hospital Call 0788321109 [email protected]



University Icons - Free SVG & PNG University Images - Noun ...OUR PURPOSE

RIIO exists to support and positively influence eye care education, service delivery and research in order to transform our trainees and communities.

Strategic - Free people iconsSTRATEGIC PRIORITY

PRIORITY ONE: Deliver Excellent Education PRIORITY TWO: Benefit our communities PRIORITY THREE: Generate relevant evidence PRIORITY FOUR: Improve RIIO internally

Eye 9 - iconmonstr OUR VISION

A world where eye health is understood, valued and preserved by all and for all.

Mission - Free business and finance icons OUR MISSION

To be influencers in eye care delivery and education, recognized for radical and critically thought projects that integrate innovation, research, and enterprise for the long-term benefit of Rwanda and the region.

OUR VALUES and Behaviors

  • Commitment to Excellence
  • Equity
  • Embracing  Technologies
  • Integrity

Strength Icon Design 12713701 Vector Art at VecteezyOur Strengths

  • We evolve constantly
  • We are attentive to innovation
  • We adapt rapidly