Class of 2025

Dr VINCENT MAGUBO, As a young man growing up in the village, I watched my grandmother grow progressively blind from what I later came to learn was cataracts. She became suicidal and her life came to a halt. For those who grow up in the village you know the role of a grandmother to the community, she was the one left to care for the domestic animals, raise all the kids while everyone went out to work, made sure we the kids were fed and cared for amongst many other roles within the homestead. So with her blindness, her roles stopped and the family was slowly disintegrating. That was before a medical camp was done by Lions eye hospital, and with eye screening, she finally underwent free cataract surgery and her sight was restored. Readmore

Dr REBECCA LUSAKA, In pursuit of purpose, I ended up in the Rwanda International Institute of Ophthalmology to begin my dream career. This was the first time I was leaving my country for a foreign land. Like Abraham of old, it felt like leaving the known for the unknown & uncertain. Nevertheless, I didn’t hesitate to heed the call. This past (almost) two months have been wonderful. I especially like the learning style, the paperless approach to doing most things & the friendly staff that make my time here all the more bearable & worthwhile. I have definitely grown and look forward to more exciting times of learning & GROWTH. Readmore

Dr OLIVIER UWIZEYE, My first 30 days at Rwanda International Institute of Ophthalmology were full of new experiences of learning. Before joining RIIO, I spent more than 18 years in school, from nursery, primary, high school as well as undergraduate medical school, all of which were almost similar in learning and teaching methods. After medical school, I realized I had some deficiency in ophthalmology knowledge, and I embarked on the way of learning some principles in that strange field, which landed me in RIIO as a resident. There is familiar jargon residents like to use when talking to graduates in other fields, saying that “we are not students but Doctors in the specialization”. Readmore

Dr CLEMENTINEUWIMBABAZI, In Rwanda, eye conditions are still a burden of our society. There is a gap of Ophthalmologists countrywide, existing specialists are only based in the Referral Hospitals and some private clinics. From a five year experience I had as General Practitioner in different District Hospitals of Rwanda, I realized that my undergraduate background in Ophthalmology is not sufficient to serve patients with eye problems, and for this reason, I have joined Ophthalmology residency at RIIO school of Ophthalmology where I am now gaining more experiences from different experts all over the World, clinical skills that are parallel to the surgical skills through wet labs where special instruments are used enhance our learning quality. I hope, I will be one of the professional Ophthalmologists in Rwanda and I will contribute more to the improvement of our eye care quality. Readmore