RIIO, in collaboration with Direct Aid Rwanda and Nyarugenge District, convened a workshop with head teachers from 15 different schools in Nyarugenge district, on 11th April 2024. The objective of this meeting was to introduce the “Sight for School” Project, aimed at identifying, treating, and intervening early in eye conditions impacting schoolchildren. During the meeting, head teachers were briefed by RIIO director Dr.John Nkurikiye on how eye conditions impact education and how education can impact eye health.
They were also educated about common eye conditions affecting Rwandan schoolchildren and the importance of early detection. Additionally, they underwent testing to demonstrate the testing protocols that will be
implemented for the project. Also present were 3 Nyarugenge district representative, and 2 representatives of Direct Aid Rwanda. Moreover, they collectively planned the dates for each school to undergo screening. The
initiative is set to commence on April 17th, 2024.

Dr John NKURIKIYE explaining the overview and of mission of Sight for School project funded by Direct Ad in Nyarugenge district

Dr John NKURIKIYE demonstrating one of many machines that will be used in the school screening.