Located at TEE OFF TOWER KG 9 AVE house No 120 / PO BOX 312 Kigali

For RIIO School Call 0791504717, for RIIO Hospital Call 0788321109 administration@riio.org


We are constantly striving to develop sustainable, structured and strategic partnerships with local, national and international organizations, as well as private enterprises. Interested in becoming a partner? Contact Us!


Our Partners

 Since its inception, RIIO has been involved with projects with the following partners:

DAEH     Screen shot 2015-10-09 at 3.46.10 PM     Screen shot 2015-10-07 at 10.02.45 AM     Screen shot 2015-10-19 at 4.35.48 PM     Screen shot 2015-10-19 at 4.36.49 PM     HCP2     International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness - Africa     Wills Eye Institute      WHO     JCAHPO     KCCO     FIAT LUX     URwanda     MoHScreen shot 2016-02-10 at 12.07.30 PM