Fee Structure for 2022-2023 Academic Year
The first-year tuition, fees, and charges shown below are estimates based on currently approved amounts. These figures may not be final. Actual tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change each academic year by RIIO and could be affected by external funding reductions.
Item description | Charges |
Tuition and Fees | $7,500* |
COECSA Fees | $150 |
Academic (Professional) Support | $300 |
Conferences and Meetings | $800 |
Outreach and Electives Costs | $ 800 |
Books and Equipment Supplies | $ 783 |
Administrative Support | $1,536 |
Professional Examinations Fees | $750 |
Health Insurance | $ 1005** |
Total – Cost Residents | $13,624 |
- Payment plans are discussed and customized before training starts.
- *Tuition fee for trainees from outside the ESCA region is $9500.
- **If proof of existing valid Medical Insurance, the item cost is not applicable.
- Before admission, the successful candidates must present a commitment letter from the sponsor securing sponsorship covering the training period.
- Budgeting for living costs is an essential part of planning for Residency life. The cost of living can vary greatly depending on your lifestyle, budget, and spending habits. The approximate living expenses in Kigali are $1000 per month. Successful candidates must show proof that they can sustain themselves.
- Please note that you must register yourself with the Rwanda Medical and Dental Council before commencing training.